
Rationalize the structure and frequency of operational alarms and warnings in your SCADA system.
Tetra Tech’s Alarm-360 purpose-built software performs SCADA system alarm analysis by processing alarms through a series of proprietary algorithms to assist plant operations develop an alarming and notifications system to ensure all high priority critical alarms are being addressed. Alarm-360 measures the frequency, processes, and depth of your SCADA alarming system by processing the data against typical industry benchmarks supported by International Society of Automation (ISA)-18.2 and the Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association (EEMUA).
It generates performance reports to provide your SCADA developers much-needed data to design an alarming system that enables operations to effectively utilize a system without being inundated with hundreds of alarms, risking critical alarms to go unnoticed. Alarm-360 can be applied to any SCADA platform. This software has been applied to large complex SCADA systems, most recently resulting in an estimated savings of $4.3 million for one of the largest energy producers in North America.